Monday, April 2, 2012

Good Grief… WaPo Says Rep. Bobby Rush Was “Lynched” on House Floor | The Gateway Pundit

When the Civil War ended, and after Republican President Abraham Lincoln liberated the slaves, Democrats initiated Jim Crow laws to punish blacks. Democrats discriminated against blacks. In fact, the KKK, was founded as the the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party.

The Ku Klux Klan assassinated many Republicans including Republican Representative James M. Hinds (December 5, 1833—October 22, 1868) of Little Rock. Hinds represented Arkansas in the United States Congress from June 24, 1868 through October 22, 1868.
But facts be damned…
The Washington Post wrote today that Republicans lynched Bobby Rush last week when they asked the far left representative to leave the floor during his hoodie tirade.
The Washington Post repored, via NewsBusters:
Rush read from the Bible as the presiding officer, Gregg Harper, a two-term Republican from Mississippi, tried to silence him.
For those who haven’t seen it, the exchange went something like this.
“Just because a person wears a hoodie does not make them a hoodlum,” Rush pronounced. And then he started to read from the book of Micah — “to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God” — as Harper sharply banged his gavel.
“The member will suspend. The member will suspend,” Harper commanded.
And so it continued, for three or so minutes: the black man reading from Scripture, the white man insisting on decorum.
The scene will be rehashed in the media as grandstanding on Rush’s part (and surely that is partially true), but the image that lingers is that of one man trying to silence another whose grief and principles led him to protest.
In his new book, “The Cross and the Lynching Tree,” the theologian James Cone wrestles with the question of how, during the early years of the 20th century, American blacks could continue to believe in the hope of Jesus while American whites continued to kill their black neighbors and go praise Jesus on Sunday. Rush enacted all that tragic history and more in one moment, with Harper as his unwitting accomplice.
Any lie will do when you’re trying to push radical thought.

Good Grief… WaPo Says Rep. Bobby Rush Was “Lynched” on House Floor | The Gateway Pundit

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