"Should the entire American Left fall over dead tomorrow, I would rejoice, and order pizza to celebrate. They are not my countrymen; they are animals who happen to walk upright and make noises that approximate speech. They are below human. I look forward to seeing each and every one in Hell". - Thomas Crown
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Careless Whispers Reveal Obama’s True Intentions To Destroy America | Expose Obama
Last Monday,President Obama was overheard whispering to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev about plans to pursue another round of reductions of our stockpiles of nuclear weapons and the halt of a European missile defense shield. At the end of the meeting,the two leaders’ conversation were caught on a hot mike. It seems that our “teleprompter President” hasn’t learned very much about the equipment used to spread his propaganda.
Obama:(Referring to Vladimir Putin) “On all these issues,but particularly missile defense,this,this can be solved,but it’s important for him to give me space.”
Medvedev:“Yeah,I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you …”
Obama:“This is my last election. After my election,I have more flexibility.”
Medvedev:“I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.”
The president’s explanation of the conversation was about “technical aspects” of future nuclear disarmament talks. Since he mentioned that this is his last election,the hot mike incident provided an insight to the president’s mindset.
Obama’s use of “more flexibility” is that he will be able to do just about anything without being held accountable to the American people. As a lame duck president,he could use executive orders to eliminate nuclear weapons or other defensive measures with little opposition unless the next Congress decides to grow a backbone.
Last month,the Administration proposed reducing America’s nuclear arsenal by 80 percent and relocating the bulk of military assets to the Pacific,thus leaving America’s European allies to the mercy of hostile Asian nations. This mindset raises legitimate questions about Obama putting his re-election before the security of the United States and its Allies.
Compromises to Russia
The surrender of the missile shield plan set up by the Bush Administration was the first concession. Russia wasn’t too happy with a missile defense system so close to its borders but would be quite pleased with a plan from Obama to possibly abandon the missile shield altogether. Their reasoning is simple economics because the shield may have protected the West from potential Iranian missile attacks,and the Iranian’s are a Russian weapons customer. With a shield in place,Iran would have no reason to buy Russian missiles.
To kowtow to the Russians,Obama revealed the number of nuclear warheads we and the British have. He handed all our nuclear secrets over to the Russians. If this is an indication of Obama’s diplomatic discussions,what other agreements does he have with other enemies? What else did the Alinsky Democrat offer to Medvedev?
Careless Whispers Reveal Obama’s True Intentions To Destroy America | Expose Obama
Timothy Cardinal Dolan enters the 'No Spin Zone' | Video | Fox News
Timothy Cardinal Dolan enters the 'No Spin Zone' | Video | Fox News
Articles: State of Construction: The Best and Worst (Mostly Worst)
The devastation of the construction industry is directly tied to the real estate collapse -- a collapse created almost entirely by poor government policy. What had historically been a stable and dependable foundation of the American dream is in shambles. With trillions of dollars of real estate value lost and 25% of homeowners underwater, recovery won't come quickly.
Our government's war on energy production and the environmental regulatory war on critical products including cement, mining, quarrying, trucks, steel, chemicals, water and air use, noise, dust, demolition, and disposal continue to raise costs and destroy jobs. Material supply and fabrication have been shipped overseas. Go-green LEED standards can double construction costs to resolve problems which never existed. Zoning and permitting have often been taken over by environmentalists. Obama's war on prosperity, the world's highest corporate tax rates, and a government debt larger than all of our money ever created further impede the industry.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
“Cold Civil War”
By Benjamin Smith
On the heels of NDAA, ObamaCare, Stimulus, Son of Stimulus, Patriot Act, takeover of auto, energy, media and movie industries, and the relentless implementation of Agenda 21… the Obama regime running our country into the ground has issued an updated Executive Order which suggests the probability of impending MARTIAL LAW.
We are left to scratch our heads and ask……… Why now?
The only possible answer is…
America is in fact, right now, in the vicious throes of a Cold Civil War.
Cold as in non-violent and Civil as in nationwide; an attempt to force a new government-controlled ideology upon an unwilling public.
And the forces implementing this agenda are relentless.
The National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order is nothing more than a blatant attempt to stir trouble of the highest intensity. The regime is looking to see who jumps and to see the movement that happens amongst the most vocal defenders of our rights, (you and me). They are poking us to see if we will go over the edge and do something so stupid that there will be a crisis… it will be our fault… and if any of our number are provoked enough to rise to the proverbial bait — they will finally lower the hammer… all in the name of “national security and public safety.”
These are classic Soviet style tactics designed and implemented in an effort to make us react, get us to either flinch and shut up, or overreact and get suppressed. It is also an exercise so they can gather intel on who is who and who has pull.
Many of us are trained. We know this game.
But we cannot stand down. We cannot be silent. We MUST stand together as one…WITHOUT VIOLENCE, for there is no going back from that; we MUST speak out with the conviction and the authority granted by our unalienable rights and the United States Constitution!
Remember Martin Niemöller and his immortal wisdom about the failure of courage in speaking out; “Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.”
The regime is limiting our speech on a daily basis, so speak up while you still can. But be smart about what you say. Do not be tempted to phrase your words in terms of violence. For this is the way of the enemy and we should never stoop to their low and bloody tactics, whether in word or deed.
Keep preparing for rough times ahead. Stock your pantry in preparation for lean days, even as the regime attempts to make such things illegal. Focus your mind on liberty, that it should never die.
I cannot tell you exactly what is coming but I know, as do you, that something unprecedented in American history, perhaps even all human history, is coming soon.
This is the common theme in most of all the conversations that I hear… there is something coming, no one really knows what it is; they just know that whatever it is, it will be momentous. The discussions range from quantifying this “something” to describing what we will do after “IT” happens. I even hear serious open conversation of the Biblical “End of Times.” People, even those outside the grassroots Tea Party movement, feel it in their bones.
Speculation runs rampant as people ponder the feeling in their gut. It could begin with something as simple as personal unemployment. It may be the 2012 general election — or NOT. Or it could be any number of events that will trigger Martial Law and the now legal occupation of America by her own troops, under the un-Constitutional NDAA.
Those types of events are limitless and terrifying. It could be a full scale crash of our economy and dollar. It could be a new World War launched by Israel attacking Iran, or vice versa. It could be the launch of the rumored North Korean EMP attack designed to hurl America 100 years back into pre-electronic time. It could be Islamic jihadists succeeding in a catastrophic terrorist attack. It could be the enemy within if the Obama Administration’s aided and abetted “Occupy” movement transfers and escalates the violence witnessed in Oakland to the rest of the country.
Whatever the trigger might be, we are about to get the education of a lifetime on what it is to struggle. It will either make us more committed Americans, earning the Latin communitas – or it will literally tear us apart. I believe that the source of this struggle springs from the complex sublimity of global despotic tyranny – ultimate oppression.
Our culture is in the midst of a moral dilemma where bad is now good and what was deemed originally American by our Founders is now un-American. The Founders are all but outlawed because soon, unless those who hate freedom are halted, after the regime finishes destroying the Bill of Rights they will also totally erase the Founders from the educational curriculum. They will outlaw the works of our Founding Fathers and destroy their very existence, burning books and erasing American liberty from history. It will be done incrementally and they will transform our history into one that aligns with their totalitarian views.
Every single day we have now turned to reacting to what the regime is putting out instead of looking to where they are taking us. The powers pulling the levers of tyranny are every day more draconian and daring in scope as they usurp our institutions and drain the power from our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Most all of the stories that are important and should be seen are buried by the complicit media at the end of the weekly news cycles and under the cloak of darkness.
In Quantum Theory there is a concept called a singularity or a black hole. Just as a black hole cannot be seen in space, the actual truth and facts of the world situation and the intentions of the U.S. government must be judged by the influence exerted on the objects around it — extortion, manipulation, intimidation, czars, fascist over- regulation designed to purposefully strangle an economy and legislate away your right to defend and provide for yourself — all in an effort to force you into their food line dependency and powerlessness!
The gravity of a black hole is so monumental that even light collapses upon itself. And in the same way, the lights of liberty are also collapsing upon themselves as media, government officials and useful idiots corrupt our understanding of American Exceptionalism so we can never really know the nefarious plot that seeks to turn our good country into an empty carcass they can declare the “failed” American Experiment. Their answer to the great philosopher’s question, “Can man govern himself” will surely be no.
It must be noted that this current Administration is not the only perpetrator. A long history of Administrations, both Republican and Democrat, have eaten away at our freedom. This Obama Administration, so fatally attacking our liberty, is just the one closing the noose. The broad strokes of true Communism were tightly woven into the ObamaCare and Stimulus bills, yet most Americans had no clue. The technocratic, lawyer-istic drool contained within those bills made it even harder to comprehend that Soft Tyranny was the true intent. And Soft Tyranny always ends in Hard Tyranny — a horror not yet experienced by Americans never exposed to adversity and real stress — where tyrannical forces purposefully separate us from each other, turn us against each other (compulsory service, Ready Reserve, NDAA and the coercions in 5201 of ObamaCare) and control every aspect of our lives… lives which then become CRUEL because YOUR life will now be totally and completely ruled by THEIR choice.
IF THEY WIN, even the passion to be free and ultimately the reality itself of being free will be as if these blessings have never existed. Tyranny can never allow such powerful ideas to remain in the collective consciousness.
They will burn our books and they will attempt to erase our God. Because without the concept of freedom codified in books by the brilliant minds of Cicero, Locke and Montesquieu; without the inspiration and institutions from our Founders; without the guidance of God to the understanding that there is a higher power than the government, there would never have been our nation “conceived in liberty.”
But while I believe this struggle in which we are engaged is the struggle of the century, nay, the struggle of all centuries, I also believe in American Exceptionalism.
I believe that the heart and soul of America is strong and vibrant and that we shall not falter in our commitment to liberty.
We live NOW in the times that will try men’s souls.
Are you a Summer Soldier, a Sunshine Patriot only to speak out when times are easy and there is no risk?
Or are you an American Exceptionalist who will STAND with me, RIGHT NOW to preserve our liberty, our beliefs and the American Way?
About Benjamin Smith:
Former Navy SEAL, Benjamin Smith took an oath to defend our Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. That oath has no expiration date. As a writer, speaker, political strategist and ardent Constitutionalist, Benjamin Smith continues to battle tyranny and defend the freedoms that enabled American exceptionalism. Benjamin is a regular contributor to multiple news outlets including Breitbart and Fox News.
Former Navy SEAL: “Cold Civil War, but for how long?” « The Radio Patriot
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The Obama Administration Outlaws New Coal-Fired Powerplants | RedState
"Whether it be in the form of directing you to purchase a product you don’t wish to buy, telling religious organizations what they have to allow, or making electricity unaffordable, the cancerous growth of regulations presents the greatest danger to our liberty. Until the Congress decides to man up and take back the power that it has relinquished we are on a death spiral as a free people. "
The Obama Administration Outlaws New Coal-Fired Powerplants | RedState
Articles: Why John Edwards Is the Perfect Democrat
Obama took a million bucks from renowned Palin-curser Bill ("the C-word") Maher, the only man in the world who makes Al Franken look couth. And then Obama used those bucks to make a political ad...attacking Sarah Palin.
Why would Obama waste his precious filthy lucre attacking an unsuccessful vice presidential candidate? Well, it sure distracted attention from the other failed veep contender who bobbed up in the news that week: "John Edwards Asks Judge Not to Destroy Sex Tape."
John Edwards is the perfect Democrat. When you see him coming, you don't know which to lock up first: your wallet or your daughters.
Edwards, who reportedtly also pals around with prostitutes, is on trial for a brilliant trifecta of exploitation of women. He seduced an old biddy into giving him campaign cash, which he gave to the airhead he was exploiting for sex, while cheating on the dying wife he exploited as a campaign prop.
Even by Democratic standards, this is sheer genius!
But he's a great respecter of women's rights, you know, just like the man who ran at the top of his ticket: John Kerry proudly stands up for the rights of women -- to buy him new yachts he can avoid paying taxes on.
Kerry was given his start in politics by Ted Kennedy, that legendary champion of women's rights. Well, not their right to breathe. Of course, we all know it was Mary Jo Kopechne's fault: she should have practiced exhaling underwater.
And speaking of Kennedy, the same week Edwards was wrangling over sex tapes, Mimi Alford was trying to get somebody to listen to her disgusting stories about John F. Kennedy. Alford was a 19-year-old virgin when she went to work as President Kennedy's intern. In short order, Kennedy deflowered her, pressured her into degrading sex acts with another man while he watched, and hustled her to raucous naked pool parties.
John Kennedy still glows behind the titanium hagiography that Democrats always construct for any president who manages a sufficient level of competence to not break the space-time continuum, which is why they never talk of Jimmy Carter or Lyndon Johnson.
And so the minute that Alford's book came out, a panicky cry went out on publisher's row: "Get me ten more books of Jack and Jackie on the beach in Hyannis!"
Democrats love to accuse Republicans of "waging war on women," and to pose as women's champions. In reality, Democrats attract an inordinate number of guttersnipes who in a healthier age were called "moral degenerates" for their ugly exploitation of women.
Line up, in your mind's eye, Bill (she's "trailer park trash") Clinton, Eliot ("Socks") Spitzer, Anthony ("Weiner") Weiner, Al ("sex-crazed poodle") Gore, and former New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey, who used his wife as a campaign prop while he chased men around truck stops and put his male crush poet in charge of the state's post-9/11 security.
And then there's George Soros, the puppet master and financier of the entire Democratic Party enterprise, who was just sued for slapping and choking his Brazilian trophy girlfriend.
Of course, nothing makes Democrats happier than humiliating women and making money at the same time -- and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the story of the TSA.
The Democrats' thuggishness towards women makes them natural partners for Muslims looking to spread some sharia around the good old USA. Imagine how many rich women John Kerry can marry when polygamy is a go!
And that whole child marriage thing that's so beloved by Muslims should work out great for Roman ("not rape-rape") Polanski and the many Hollywood pals who petitioned for his freedom, like Woody ("Model Stepfather") Allen, Martin Scorsese, and John Landis. According to these stalwart Democrats, drugging and sodomizing a 13-year-old girl is all in a day's work!
Sharia is a criminal racketeering system built on the subjugation of women, under the guise of a superior morality. How could any self-respecting Democrat not love it?
Obama insisted on manipulating events to foment the ludicrous "Arab Spring," even as CBS correspondent Lara Logan was being gang-raped in Tahrir Square by crazed Islamists, screaming their ultimate aphrodisiac: "Jew! Jew!"
Sssshhhhh....Don't talk about that. The Democrats are too busy celebrating their fantasy of "Arab democracy." Who cares how many women get raped?
Now Obama is bypassing Congress to give $1.5 billion to the Muslim Brotherhood, whom he lifted to power in Egypt. Foreign Affairs magazine informs us that as soon as Obama forced out Mubarak, soldiers began subjecting female protesters to electric shocks and beatings and forcibly instituting virginity checks.
But it's the Republicans waging war on women! Yeah, right. Just keep your eyes on the Democrats fighting against anti-sharia legislation here. And don't give John Edwards any ideas about those virginity checks.
Write Stella Paul at Stellapundit@aol.com.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Supreme Court Tells EPA It’s Not Above the Law | The Gateway Pundit
It’s a beautiful day when one of Obama’s evil Goliaths gets soundly spanked by the Supreme Court. On Wednesday, the EPA’s egregious abuse, in the name of the Clean Water Act, was significantly reined in. Obama’s Green Minions of Evil are still able to pound American citizens into submission with their brutal fists of extortion and intimidation, but no longer with complete impunity.
According to CNBC,
The Supreme Court has sided with an Idaho couple in a property rights case, ruling they can go to court to challenge an Environmental Protection Agency order that blocked construction of their new home and threatened fines of more than $30,000 a day.
Wednesday’s decision is a victory for Mike and Chantell Sackett, whose property near a scenic lake has sat undisturbed since the EPA ordered a halt in work in 2007. The agency said part of the property was a wetlands that could not disturbed without a permit.
In an opinion by Justice Antonin Scalia, the court rejected EPA’s argument that allowing property owners quick access to courts to contest orders like the one issued to the Sacketts would compromise the agency’s ability to deal with water pollution.
“Compliance orders will remain an effective means of securing prompt voluntary compliance in those many cases where there is no substantial basis to question their validity,” Scalia said. …
The EPA issues nearly 3,000 administrative compliance orders a year that call on alleged violators of environmental laws to stop what they’re doing and repair the harm they’ve caused. Major business groups, homebuilders, road builders and agricultural interests all have joined the Sacketts in urging the court to make it easier to contest EPA compliance orders issued under several environmental laws. …
Justice Samuel Alito called on Congress to clear up confusion over the reach of the Clean Water Act. Alito said that federal regulators could assert authority over any property that is wet for even part of the year, not just rivers and streams.
The court’s opinion “is better than nothing, but only clarification of the reach of the Clean Water Act can rectify the underlying problem,” Alito said. …
In a statement, the Sacketts praised the court for “affirming that we have rights, and that the EPA is not a law unto itself.”
Let this be a powerful reminder of what’s at stake in November if Obama is reelected. Justice Ginsburg has already announced her retirement in 2015.
Supreme Court Tells EPA It’s Not Above the Law | The Gateway Pundit
Obamacare: The reckoning - The Washington Post
Now it’s back, summoned to the national stage by the confluence of three disparate events: the release of new Congressional Budget Office cost estimates, the approach of Supreme Court hearings on the law’s constitutionality and the issuance of a compulsory contraception mandate.
Obamacare was carefully constructed to manipulate the standard 10-year cost projections of the CBO. Because benefits would not fully kick in for four years, President Obama could trumpet 10-year gross costs of less than $1 trillion — $938 billion to be exact.
But now that the near-costless years 2010 and 2011 have elapsed, the true 10-year price tag comes into focus. From 2013 through 2022, the CBO reports, the costs of Obamacare come to $1.76 trillion — almost twice the phony original number.
It gets worse. Annual gross costs after 2021 are more than a quarter of $1 trillion every year — until the end of time. That, for a new entitlement in a country already drowning in $16 trillion of debt.
Beginning Monday, the Supreme Court will hear challenges to the law. The American people, by an astonishing two-thirds majority, want the law and/or the individual mandate tossed out by the court. In practice, however, questions this momentous are generally decided 5 to 4 — i.e., they depend on whatever side of the bed Justice Anthony Kennedy gets out of that morning.
Ultimately, the question will hinge on whether the Commerce Clause has any limits. If the federal government can compel a private citizen, under threat of a federally imposed penalty, to engage in a private contract with a private entity (to buy health insurance), is there anything the federal government cannot compel the citizen to do?
If Obamacare is upheld, it fundamentally changes the nature of the American social contract. It means the effective end of a government of enumerated powers — i.e., finite, delineated powers beyond which the government may not go, beyond which lies the free realm of the people and their voluntary institutions. The new post-Obamacare dispensation is a central government of unlimited power from which citizen and civil society struggle to carve out and maintain spheres of autonomy.
Figure becomes ground; ground becomes figure. The stakes could not be higher.
Serendipitously, the recently issued regulation on contraceptive coverage has allowed us to see exactly how this new power works. All institutions — excepting only churches, but not excepting church-run charities, hospitals, etc. — will be required to offer health care that must include free contraception, sterilization and drugs that cause abortion.
Consider the cascade of arbitrary bureaucratic decisions that resulted in this edict:
(1) Contraception, sterilization and abortion pills are classified as medical prevention. On whose authority? The secretary of health and human services, invoking the Institute of Medicine. But surely categorizing pregnancy as a disease equivalent is a value decision disguised as science. If contraception is prevention, what are fertility clinics? Disease inducers? And if contraception is prevention because it lessens morbidity and saves money, by that logic, mass sterilization would be the greatest boon to public health since the pasteurization of milk.
(2) This type of prevention is free — no co-pay. Why? Is contraception morally superior to or more socially vital than — and thus more of a “right” than — penicillin for a child with pneumonia?
(3) “Religious” exemptions to this edict extend only to churches, places where the faithful worship God, and not to church-run hospitals and charities, places where the faithful do God’s work. Who promulgated this definition, so stunningly ignorant of the very idea of religious vocation? The almighty HHS secretary.
Today, it’s the Catholic Church whose free-exercise powers are under assault from this cascade of diktats sanctioned by — indeed required by — Obamacare. Tomorrow it will be the turn of other institutions of civil society that dare stand between unfettered state and atomized citizen.
Rarely has one law so exemplified the worst of the Leviathan state — grotesque cost, questionable constitutionality and arbitrary bureaucratic coerciveness. Little wonder the president barely mentioned it in his latest State of the Union address. He wants to be reelected. He’d rather talk about other things.
But there’s no escaping it now. Oral arguments begin Monday at 10 a.m.
Obamacare: The reckoning - The Washington Post
Friday, March 16, 2012
Global Warming and National Suicide - American Thinker
Beginning in 1856, the Xhosa tribe in today's South Africa destroyed its own economy. They killed an estimated half-million of their own cattle (which they ordinarily treated with great care and respect), ceased planting crops, and destroyed their grain stores. By the end of 1857, between thirty and fifty thousand Xhosa had starved to death -- a third to a half of the population. The British herded survivors of the once-powerful tribe into labor camps, and white settlers took much of their land, as reported by Richard Landes in Heaven on Earth: The Varieties of the Millennial Experience.
The Xhosa had acted on the prophecy of a fifteen-year-old girl who promised that if they destroyed all they had and purified themselves of "witchcraft" (including evil inclinations and selfishness), the world before the white invaders came would be restored. The British oppressors would flee, and the Xhosa ancestors would return, bringing with them an even greater abundance of cattle and grain.
Do you feel a mixture of pity and contempt for these strange people who ruined themselves on the basis of an outlandish vision? If so, the feeling is misplaced. Just as the basis for the Xhosa economy was cattle, the lifeblood of our economy is energy. And we are strangling our own energy supply on the basis of an apocalyptic prophecy that has no more validity than the one that sent the Xhosa into self-immolation.
The apocalyptic vision to which we subscribe has a superficial scientific gloss -- "climate change" -- but at bottom, both visions prescribe economic suicide, and both promise that self-sacrifice will bring about a golden age. In the case of the Xhosa, that golden age was the time before the British invaded. In our own, to quote famed environmentalist David Brower (director of the Sierra Club and then of Friends of the Earth), it's "back there about a century when, at the start of the Industrial Revolution we began applying energy in vast amounts to tools with which we began tearing the environment apart."
Landes describes those who initiate and build support for these movements as roosters, for they crow an exciting new message, and their opponents as owls, those counseling caution and skepticism. To drown out the warning owls, roosters must rally elites to their cause. That is how the global warming movement made its inroads: with governments and a small cadre of activists taking the lead. Once the authorities pronounce themselves in favor of the prophecy and it "pays" to believe, many more ordinary people will join in. In the case of the Xhosa, the initial rooster was a simple orphan girl. The key to the triumph of her vision was her uncle, a well-known preacher and diviner who preached her message and convinced the chiefs -- including the chief of chiefs, named Sarhili.
Apocalyptic movements are urgent. It's now or never. If action is not taken quickly, it will be too late. Xhosa believers set about destroying their cattle and grain immediately. United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (the global warming apocalypse owes more to the U.N. than to any other single institution) told the Global Environmental Forum in 2009, "We have just four months. Four months to secure the future of our planet." More generously, Prince Charles in March 2009 gave us "100 months to alter our behavior before we risk catastrophic climate change and the unimaginable horror that this would bring."
However, as Landes points out, just because the apocalypse is wrong does not mean that its effects are not profound. In the case of the Xhosa, the beneficiaries of the false apocalypse were the British -- the very people the Xhosa thought they were expelling through their sacrifice took over the lands the Xhosa could no longer cultivate. China, which is heavily investing in the energy we spurn, is the most probable beneficiary of our folly.
How ironic it will be if, despite our pride in bringing down the Soviet Union without a shot, the twenty-first century, thanks to our self-destructive pursuit of an apocalyptic fantasy, belongs to a Communist dictatorship.
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/03/global_warming_and_national_suicide.html#ixzz1pHwNiT5U
Global Warming and National Suicide
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Obama Flashback: Dealing With High Gas Prices Is a Sacrifice I Expect Americans to Make (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
Gas Buddy
But don’t look to President Obama for any sympathy.
He thinks it’s a sacrifice you should make.
Barack Obama told a group of numb Kool-Aid drinkers in 2008 that
“We have to make sure people are making good decisions about cars.” And dealing with high gas prices is a sacrifice I expect Americans to make.
Via Ace of Spades:
Obama Flashback: Dealing With High Gas Prices Is a Sacrifice I Expect Americans to Make (Video) | The Gateway Pundit
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Face It, He Hates You… Obama in 1990: We’re Going to Reshape ‘Mean-Spirited’ and Selfish America | The Gateway Pundit
Via Ironic Surrealism:
From his 1990 interview:
“There’s certainly racism here. There are certain burdens that are placed, more emotionally at this point than concretely,” Obama said.
“Professors may treat black students differently, sometimes by being, sort of, more dismissive, sometimes by being more, sort of, careful because they think, you know, they think that somehow we can’t cope in the classroom,” he said.
Obama sees the inner cities as the front lines of racism.
“It’s critical at this stage for people who want to see genuine change to focus locally. And it is crucial that we figure out how to rebuild the core of leadership and institutions in these communities,” he said.
For five years before law school, Obama took on that task in Chicago. As the director of a program that tried to bring South Side churches, unions and block associations together on projects, Obama was not trying to solve local problems, he said. Instead he sought to construct something more lasting — a forum for the community, “I’m interested in organizations, not movements, because movements dissipate and organizations don’t,” Obama said.
America suffered when the movements of the 1960s dissipated, he said. Those movements succeeded in raising doubts about harmful traditions of sexism and racism, but failed to offer a viable alternative.
“Hopefully, more and more people will begin to feel their story is somehow part of this larger story of how we’re going to reshape America in a way that is less mean-spirited and more generous,” Obama said.
Face It, He Hates You… Obama in 1990: We’re Going to Reshape ‘Mean-Spirited’ and Selfish America | The Gateway Pundit
More Evidence Democrats are traitors
But it was just a big pipe dream.
(Bob McCarty)
With gas prices at record levels…
Senate Democrats rejected the Keystone Pipeline and drilling in ANWR yesterday in a single vote. EVERY DEMOCRAT, except for Senator Begich from Alaska, voted against the legislation that would increase American oil production.
The Pioneer Press reported:
The Senate on Tuesday resoundingly rejected a sweeping measure to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other protected areas to oil drilling, as well as to approve construction of the Keystone pipeline project.Obama and Senate Democrats blocked the Keystone Pipeline last week, too.
Tuesday’s vote was the first time in four years that the Senate has voted on a measure including ANWR drilling, and it failed miserably. The proposal needed 60 votes to pass; it only received 41 votes in favor, with 57 senators against.
Kansas Republican Sen. Pat Roberts pushed the measure as an amendment to the bill that funds transportation projects across the nation.
Senate Democrats Reject Keystone Pipeline & ANWR Drilling In One Easy Vote | The Gateway Pundit
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
New York Times runs anti-Catholic smear ad, rejects ad that tells truth about Islam and jihad - Jihad Watch
New York Times runs anti-Catholic smear ad, rejects ad that tells truth about Islam and jihad
So we decided to see what would happen if an ad made another religion the focus of such an approach, and patterned our ad closely after that one:
Predictably, the New York Times is operating according to a double standard, and rejected our ad. Pamela Geller has the whole story, as well as the full texts of each ad, here.
The Fluke Fiasco Explained
Schadenfreude, according to Webster, is "enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others." It encapsulates the essence of women using government to force others to pay for their contraception.
The fraud is in hustling the con as a women's health issue. It makes sense only to abortion zealots who think pregnancy is a disease or a parasite.
The grand dame of abortion rights, Minority House Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), held a little Republican-bashing session with three members of the "House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee" on Feb. 23, which she and her media friends passed off as a "congressional hearing."
Pelosi said the "hearing" was for taking "testimony" from Sandra Fluke, a 30-year-old third-year student at Georgetown University Law School. According to Pelosi, Fluke "was blocked from testifying at a recent Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing by Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA)."
Also blocked were 312 million other Americans irrelevant to the hearing topic.
Pelosi introduced Fluke as "the president and secretary of the Georgetown Law Students for Reproductive Justice," which, she did not mention, unjustly discriminates against unborn women.
They're fighting imaginary bogeymen who want to "ban" birth control, much like people who want to "ban food" because they don't want to pay a stranger's restaurant tab.
Pelosi also said that "Sandra will continue to serve women and our committees as a leader in the field of public interest law." Sounds like there's a taxpayer-funded job in Congress awaiting Sandra where she will be free from the burden and oppression of having to pay for her own birth control, which she claims costs $3,000 for three years.
Fluke said she hears daily from women "from Georgetown or from another school or who [work] for a religiously-affiliated employer" who've "suffered financially and emotionally and medically because of this lack of coverage."
Where are those Hollywood catastrophe fundraisers when you need one?
Any person who can get admitted to Georgetown Law School should be able to find the Planned Parenthood clinic 1.7 miles from her school, or perhaps affirmative action has run amok once again.
If Planned Parenthood runs out of free birth control pills, a 30-day supply sells for $9 at the Target near Georgetown. That would be $324 for three years, leaving $2,676 for candles and wine.
Georgetown doesn't include contraception in its student health care insurance because it's a Catholic school. Fluke admits that she chose Georgetown for the purpose of changing its policy, according to the Washington Post. Fluke also wrote an article arguing for insurance coverage for sex-change surgeries.
Talk about church reform. Martin Luther, step aside.
Remember the shrieks -- "Keep Your Rosaries off My Ovaries!"? Thanks to the ObamaCare mandate, it's now -- "Their Ovaries Trump Your Rosaries."
Compounding the comedy of errors, Rush Limbaugh made uncouth comments about Fluke on his radio show, for which he rightly apologized, and which Fluke dismissed as "insufficient." Forgiveness could curtail her victimization tour of mainstream media.
It reminded Obama to never let a crisis go to waste. He interrupted his nonstop campaigning to make a phone call to Fluke on March 2, just before she appeared with Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC. According to Fluke, "[h]e did express his concern for me and wanted to make sure that I was OK, which I am."
What a relief. It was touch and go there for a while.
Obama continued chapter two of "I'm Down in the Polls with Women" at his press conference on March 6. He said he called Fluke because she made him think about his daughters:
And the reason I called Ms. Fluke is because I thought about Malia and Sasha, and one of the things I want them to do as they get older is to engage in issues they care about, even ones I may not agree with them on. I want them to be able to speak their mind in a civil and thoughtful way. And I don't want them attacked or called horrible names because they're being good citizens.Chris Matthews got all tingly again because Obama's call to Fluke reminded Matthews of President John F. Kennedy's call to Coretta Scott King, the wife of Martin Luther King, after her husband was arrested in Georgia.
Maybe Matthews will apologize for being a flippant white guy, and Obama can call the King family. His polls aren't so hot with black Americans, either.
It isn't just fanatical feminists who cause pain and embarrassment to thinking women and men.
Seriously, Mr. President, if you're short of role models for your daughters, here's a great one you missed.
Stephanie Decker is a 36-year-old mother who put her body between her two small children and the crashing steel beams, pillars, and bricks that landed on her back and legs when a tornado destroyed their three-story home. Stephanie prayed and kept telling herself to keep fighting: "We can make it. I gotta live for my kids." She suffered broken ribs and lost parts of both legs. Her children didn't have a scratch. Stephanie is in a hospital bed in Indianapolis. This is a woman with real health issues who will continue to endure real suffering, not the "suffering" of doing without birth control pills.
Stephanie doesn't consider herself a hero. "I call myself a mom," she said. "I love my kids...I wanted to do anything I could to protect them. I think any parent would."
Maybe you could take another few minutes from campaigning, Mr. President, and tell Stephanie that the whole country is proud of her, express your concern, make sure she's okay.
She withstood so much more than harsh, hyperbolic bluster from a radio host. There's nowhere to go to get an apology about a tornado.
Jan LaRue is senior legal analyst with the American Civil Rights Union.
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/03/the_lefts_schadenfreude_fraud.html#ixzz1ozrj1bwZ
Because Obama can't Win without Cheating
The Justice Department blocked Texas’ new voter-identification law Monday, arguing that it targets the state’s Hispanics — and igniting yet another clash between President Obama’s administration and a GOP-run state.
Texas is the second state to have its voter-ID law rejected by the Justice Department, which has cast a critical eye on Republican-controlled legislatures as they move to combat both illegal immigration and voter fraud.
Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez said he was using the federal government’s power under the Voting Rights Act to block the state’s law. He said the data show that Hispanics could be twice as likely as other groups to lack the right kind of identification.
“Hispanics disproportionately lack either a driver’s license or a personal identification card issued by [the state’s Department of Public Safety], and that disparity is statistically significant,” he said in a six-page letter to Texas officials.
Texas already had asked a federal court to hear the case, so a judge will have the final say.
But the timing of the administration’s move left some Republicans questioning the motives.
“Today’s decision reeks of politics,” said Sen. John Cornyn, a Texas Republican and former judge who said the Justice Department is trying to “carry water for the president’s re-election campaign.”
The issue is likely to play as well on the Republican campaign trail, where presidential candidates have said they would drop objections to voter-identification and state immigration laws.
At stake is the thorny question of which is a bigger problem in the country: voter fraud or vote suppression.
While there have been high-profile cases of invalid registrations, civil rights groups argue that there is little evidence of fraud at the polls. They say the bigger problem is the enactment of laws that make voting tougher.
“This new law is a clear-cut attempt to suppress minority votes and stymie minority participation in our democracy,” said Gary Bledsoe, president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s Texas State Conference, who cheered the Justice Department’s decision.
But Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said voter fraud is a real danger and that his own office has won 50 convictions for election fraud in the past decade. He said the Justice Department has prosecuted more than 100 cases in that time.
He listed cases including a woman who submitted her dead mother’s ballot, a person who voted twice on Election Day and an election worker who fraudulently cast a ballot under the name of a voter who shared his last name.
Texas is one of a handful of states that, because of past discrimination practices, is required to submit new voting changes to the Justice Department. The department can block any changes it deems will have an adverse impact on minorities, and only a court can overturn its decisions.
Anticipating a negative review, Texas went to court on its own, seeking a final judgment. That case is pending.
Gov. Rick Perry signed the voter-identification legislation in May, capping a six-year fight in the state Legislature. Democrats blocked the law for years, but Republicans captured a supermajority in the state’s House and powered the legislation through.
The same scenario played out in other states last year, usually after Republicans won or expanded majorities and pushed voter-identification laws. But in Rhode Island, a Democrat-controlled legislature passed a law imposing a photo-ID requirement in 2014, and it was signed by Gov. Lincoln D. Chafee, an independent.
In December, the Justice Department blocked South Carolina’s new ID law, and department officials have said they are looking at other states’ laws.
The cases will come down to arguments over how the laws affect minorities and what steps the states take to lessen the impacts.
The Supreme Court has upheld Indiana’s voter-ID law, and backers of the Texas statute said it was modeled on Indiana — though Texas is more restrictive in its list of acceptable identification.
Voters who cannot present identification are allowed to cast provisional ballots but must return within six days with the required ID or must sign an affidavit saying they lost their identification in a natural disaster or have a religious objection to being photographed.
In his letter, Mr. Perez said Texas hasn’t taken any steps to make it easier to get an ID, and said the Legislature even rejected a proposal to add extra hours at state offices where driver’s licenses or ID cards can be obtained.
Mr. Perez also highlighted the costs of traveling to an office to get identification, and the cost of obtaining a birth certificate or other supporting documents required to get an ID, as burdens that chiefly strike Hispanics, who are more likely to be below poverty levels.
Nationwide, 16 states have voter-ID laws that don’t require a photo, while 15 others require a photo.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Nothing like that "Founding Principal" of Separation of Church and State.
Another Obama production…
The White House is organizing socialist prayer vigils for Obamacare outside the Supreme Court when justices hear legal arguments.
FOX News reported:
“On Wednesday, White House officials summoned dozens of leaders of nonprofit organizations that strongly back the health law to help them coordinate plans for a prayer vigil, press conferences and other events outside the court when justices hear arguments for three days beginning March 26.”
– New York Times reporter Robert Pear writing in today’s paper: “White House Works to Shape Debate Over Health Law.”
Gallup surveyed voters three weeks ago in the dozen swing states that will decide this year’s presidential election and found that the 2010 Democratic health law was still a toxic asset in President Obama’s political portfolio.
Removing the Keystone (Pipeline)
The Keystone XL pipeline's demise tosses another shovel full of dirt onto the lid of this country's coffin. Keystone's termination was not just a kickback to the urban dwelling, loony-left environmental voters, though that was a nice bonus. The demise was also not just a payoff to Warren Buffet's rail companies that currently ferry unrefined North Dakota oil, though that too was an added benefit. No, killing Keystone XL forwards two radical anti-American agendas deeply coveted by the hard-leftists occupying the White House.
First, for some context, let's revisit the underlying Marxist dogma that drives the decision-making process of the Obama administration, including with regards to Keystone. From a wonderful summary of The Communist Manifesto, we read:
The primary objective of communists and the revolutionary proletariat is the abolition of private property, for it is this that keeps them [the proletariat] enslaved. Bourgeois economics, i.e., capitalism, requires that the owners of the means of production compensate workers only enough to ensure their mere physical subsistence and reproduction. In other words, the existence of bourgeois property, or capital as Marx calls it, relies on its radically unequal distribution. The only way the proletariat can free itself from bourgeois exploitation is to abolish capitalism. In achieving this goal, the proletariat will destroy all remnants of bourgeois culture which act to perpetuate, if even implicitly, their misery. This includes family organization, religion, morality, jurisprudence, etc.Sound familiar?
Fueled by Marxist ideology, one radical anti-America agenda of Soros's and Obama's inner advisers is their desperate desire for the upward destabilization of domestic energy prices. Their repeated actions (ignore the daily pabulum spoon-fed through the MSM to the politically innocents) such as postponing Keystone reflect a premeditated plan to raise the price of domestic energy to crushing levels by executive fiat. (The word "postpone" is bureaucratic euphemism meaning "render dead as a doornail.") Americans have seen three years of a series of brutal administrative assaults on the coal, natural gas, oil, and power production industries. Ignored by the media, Obama's czars, those unconfirmed hard-leftists infecting the executive agencies, have written literally hundreds of new onerous environmental regulations adversely impacting offshore drilling; fracking; and extraction, transport, refining, and sales of all fossil fuels.
At the same time, billions of dollars of taxpayer-funded government loans have simply vanished down the black hole of green energy cronyism, corruption, and malfeasance. If this were truly a government of, by, and for the people, dozens of senior administration bureaucrats and their loan recipients would have been indicted, prosecuted, and jailed for evaporating tens of billions of taxpayers' dollars. That is evidently not the case with the new commissariats running roughshod in Washington.
Energy soaks like rain into the ground. Every forest, field crop, and lawn dies without sufficient water. So, too, every business, farm, factory, church, and home suffers impairment without the energy required for heat, light, and electricity. These artificially inflated energy costs are, essentially, a non-constitutional governmental tax. The energy dollars "seized" from taxpayers preclude many other choices related to every American's inalienable right to discover life, liberty, and his individual pursuit of happiness. That, my friends, is, in the classic Marxist patois, "the dictatorship of the proletariat."
Keystone's demise forwards a second anti-American agenda, one that seeks to silently subvert the foundation of our military's war-fighting abilities. Energy is war-fighting capacity. From the University of Washington we read:
After construction was complete in late 1942, the [Grand Coulee] dam had an immediate impact in helping the United States win World War II. As President Harry Truman said, "Without Grand Coulee and Bonneville dams it would have been almost impossible to win this war." Specifically, the Grand Coulee Dam provided the electricity needed to produce aluminum, which was crucial for the airplane construction taking place at Boeing in Seattle. With no capacity to produce aluminum in 1940, the Pacific Northwest was producing 36% of the nation's aluminum output by 1946. It is estimated that one third of the aluminum used in aircraft during World War II came from the power generated by the Grand Coulee Dam. Also, the Grand Coulee Dam provided the power needed for the plutonium production reactors at the nuclear production facilities at the Hanford site1.Where does Keystone's demise fit into this second anti-American agenda that silently subverts the foundation of our military's war-fighting abilities? If and when the United States is next engaged in a global war, our military will require a massive national effort, akin to WWII, to produce vast quantities of war materiel -- fighters, bombers, tanks, transport trucks, mobile artillery, small arms, etc. Will America have enough available electrical capacity to provide the power for all these ramped-up industries plus the energy needed in a wartime economy?
(The Congress of Vienna prevented a European war for almost a hundred years. We are almost seventy years away from the end of WWII. We humans quickly forget the horrors of large-scale land warfare. After a few generations have passed, new conquerors arise and covet their neighbors' wealth, all under the guise of revolutionary ideology. And the cycle starts anew.)
This nation has stopped building new hydroelectric projects as political payback to the hard-left environmentalists, who are living proof that Darwin was wrong. And wind, solar, and algae are laughably unable to scale for the power requirements needed for wartime industrialization.
In other words, will America have the time to build new power plants while also building the factories to make the arms? We absolutely need Keystone's oil flowing into America today. Keystone incentivizes private industry to upgrade our moribund domestic refining capacity, to fuel all those new power plants, and to gas up the fighters, bombers, ships, and tanks that will be built. Those who wish harm to this nation understand full well that there can be no "Arsenal of Democracy" if America's industrial capacity to wage war has been severed at the wellhead.
So what specific methodology might a small group of radicals atop our government adopt to swiftly accelerate the financial impoverishment of the working middle and upper classes, leading to the fatal demise of America's bourgeois and the abolition of private property? The answer lies with the sharply rising price of energy, which ripples through the retail prices for food, consumer goods, and manufacturing -- while simultaneously devaluing our national currency through massive debt and spiraling health care costs - all woven into a mapless labyrinth of oppressive regulations.
We are almost there.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
From Denmark: Politically incorrect cartoons - Jihad Watch
From Denmark: Politically incorrect cartoons
Translation: "What Osama does nowadays. "Guys, how do you think they fit? It is Speedos, I bought them online... I am preparing for the day that we get out of this ridiculous cave! Then we will finally have some fun!"
The lib lie about oil revealed (again).
To hear the president and Democrats talk, you'd think that Big Oil was sucking the Treasury dry with huge subsidies. Almost a year ago I wrote about the federal government's "subsidies" to Big Oil. I said then, "They are all tax 'breaks'... about $4.3 billion per year -- about 0.2% of this year's deficit and enough to fund about 10 hours of current US government spending."
I was wrong. The tax breaks for all fossil fuels was not $4.3B in 2011. It was only $2.5B -- about 0.19% of that year's deficit, and enough to fund only six hours of U.S. government spending. The source for such heresy? The Congressional Budget Office.
Just to be clear, that $2.5B was not just for Big Oil, but also for Big Coal and Big Gas: all fossil fuels. Here, more exactly, are those subsidies, in the CBO's words.
- "Expensing of exploration and development costs for oil and natural gas." ($0.8B)
- "Option to expense 50% of qualified property used to refine liquid fuels." ($0.8B)
- "Option to expense investment costs on the basis of gross income rather than on production." ($0.9B)
Let's compare those subsidies to other energy subsidies. The CBO has a chart.
"Alcohol fuels," which include ethanol, took $6.1B of tax subsidies, or more than twice as much as oil, gas, and coal combined.
When did this start happening? The CBO has another chart.
You know who else likes subsidizing alternative energy? George Soros. He wrote this in January 2009:
The American consumer can no longer act as the motor of the global economy. Alternative energy and developments that produce energy savings could serve as a new motor, but only if the price of conventional fuels is kept high enough to justify investing in those activities. That would involve putting a floor under the price of fossil fuels by imposing a price on carbon emissions and import duties on oil to keep the domestic price above, say, $70 per barrel.Somehow, George got his wish for high fuel prices even without a Copenhagen-like global Cap & Trade system. When he wrote that, oil was only about $40 per barrel. Just one year later, it was consistently over $70 per barrel, George's magic threshold -- as if delivered as a Christmas gift. And this year it's been about $100 per barrel. Good times: a 150% increase in crude oil prices in the three years since George Soros called for higher fuel prices, perfectly coinciding with the three years of Obama's presidency.
You know who else pushes alternative energy sources really hard? The Communist Party USA:
We could begin with an immediate carbon tax that would penalize those with the largest carbon footprint - big corporations - while also making a case for the elimination of coal production and expansion of alternative energy sources.And who else? Presidential candidate Barack Obama said this in 2008 (via Jake Tapper at ABC):
So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that's being emitted. That will also generate billions of dollars that we can invest in solar, wind, biodiesel, and other alternative energy approaches.Pretty wild coincidence, huh? Barack Obama, George Soros, and the Communist Party all pushing the same energy policies.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
OK, let’s talk about JFK
So presidential hopeful Rick Santorum has Bill Press’ stomach all a-twitter, huh? Why? Because, according to Bill, “So what do you do? You attack President John F. Kennedy!”
I’m so glad to hear you say that, Bill. Tell you what – since you seem to respect JFK and what he stood for and said – why don’t you write one of your next columns about the speech he gave to the Economic Club of New York back in December of 1962? If I read it correctly, he pretty much put into words what Arthur Laffer put graphically on paper, that there is a point of taxation at which any increase will result in a decrease in revenue to the government, and, equally importantly, if confiscatory tax rates on the “greedy rich” are reduced, those revenues to the government will go up.
It’s your turn, Bill. Do you really hold JFK in high esteem, or only when what he says agrees with what you believe personally?
Changing the subject just a tad, here’s some fodder for all WND readers to think about. Go read JFK’s speech, and then consider this: I’ve mentioned it in more than one email to the editor sent in to several major newspapers all around the Chicagoland area, and some I’ve sent in more than once. Not one of them has seen fit to put any into print. I get the impression that they don’t want anyone to know the truth about tax rates, especially with you-know-who in the White House.
John Babush